Will Smith Performs “Summertime” And “The Fresh Prince Theme Song” At Gabrielle Union’s 40th birthday

Saturday night, DWade’s boo-thang Gabrielle Union turned the big 4-0. To celebrate, she threw a huge party in Miami that brought out her A-List homies, including “The Fresh Prince” Will Smith. Big Willie From Philly didn’t buy Gabby a present, but he did give her a gift, a rare performance of his old school hit “Summertime” as well as a brief rendition of the theme song that he made famous in the early 90′s.Peep the video shot by our friend Julia Beverly at Ozone Magazine.Read more at http://bossip.com/670537/live-performance-will-smith-rocks-the-mic-at-gabrielle-unions-43081/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+bossiprss+%28Bossip.com%29#34gLZodBTzJ9touA.99 
